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How to Keep Your Family Out of Probate

Thomas Manzi • Sep 12, 2024

A Guide to Proper Estate Planning

You’ve worked hard to build a life and provide for your family, but have you taken the necessary steps to ensure your legacy is passed on smoothly?

Many people believe that simply writing a will is enough to protect their assets and loved ones, but the reality is more complex. Without proper estate planning, your family could face the long and costly process of probate, potentially losing a significant portion of your hard-earned wealth to taxes and legal fees.

In this blog, we'll explore what probate is, why a will alone may not be sufficient, and how an estate lawyer can help you get your affairs in order to avoid these pitfalls.

What Is Probate?
Probate is the legal process that occurs after someone passes away, during which their assets are distributed according to their will or state law if there is no will. 

While this process is meant to ensure that the deceased's wishes are honored, it often becomes a lengthy and expensive ordeal for the surviving family members. Think of probate as knowing you're going to receive something but finding out that it is further out of reach then you thought, tangled in red tape and legalities. One thing is for sure, the longer it drags on, the more stressful and costly it can become for your loved ones.

Why a Will Isn’t Always Enough:
While having a will is an essential part of estate planning, it doesn’t necessarily keep your family out of probate. A will still has to be validated by the probate court, and all the assets it covers will be subject to the probate process. This can lead to several complications:

  • Exposure to Claims and Judgments: In essence the probate process is a debt collection mechanism to give creditors a chance to be paid from the decedents  assets. These claims take priority over bequests to loved ones. 
  • Delays and Legal Fees: Probate can take months, even years, depending on the complexity of the estate and any disputes that arise. The longer it takes, the more your family will have to pay in legal fees.
  • Privacy Concerns: Probate is a public process, meaning that your family’s financial matters could be exposed to anyone who wishes to look them up.
  • Tax Implications: Assets passing through probate may be subject to estate taxes and other costs that can significantly reduce the inheritance your family receives.

The Role of an Estate Lawyer:
This is where an estate lawyer comes in. An experienced estate lawyer can help you create a comprehensive estate plan that not only includes a will but also other critical documents and strategies designed to keep your family out of probate and protect your assets.

Key Estate Planning Tools and Strategies:

  1. Living Trusts: One of the most effective ways to avoid probate is by placing your assets in a living trust. When assets are in a trust, they bypass the probate process entirely, allowing for a seamless transfer to your beneficiaries. For example, if you leave your house to your children but don’t place it in a trust, they could be hit with capital gains taxes when they sell it. A trust can help avoid this issue, potentially saving them thousands of dollars.

  2. Joint Ownership: For some assets, establishing joint ownership with the right of survivorship can ensure that they pass directly to the co-owner without going through probate.

  3. Beneficiary Designations:
    Certain assets, such as life insurance policies and retirement accounts, allow you to name beneficiaries. Ensuring these designations are up to date and correctly set up can help these assets pass outside of probate.

  4. Powers of Attorney and Healthcare Directives:
    These documents allow you to appoint someone to make financial and medical decisions on your behalf if you become incapacitated. While not directly related to probate, they are crucial for managing your affairs smoothly and avoiding court intervention during your lifetime and especially in the event you suffer a catastrophic health issue.

Probate can be a complicated, time-consuming, and costly process, but with the right estate planning, you can spare your family the hassle. Don’t let your legacy get tied up in court—take proactive steps now to ensure your wishes are carried out smoothly and efficiently.

Sitting down with an estate lawyer is the most responsible and fiscally sound decision you can make for your family's future. Choosing the right attorney will guide you through the process, helping you set up your estate in the right way to protect your assets and ensure a seamless transition when the time comes. We’d love the chance to help you, secure your legacy. 
Contact us today to start planning for your financial security and legacy.

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